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Reefer Factoring Company

Get the RIGHT Factoring Program That Is BEST For Reefer Trucks…

From Verified Top Reefer Factoring Companies, in 02 minutes!

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Reefer Factoring Programs

Reefer Factoring is the process in which an owner-operator or a trucking company sells an outstanding truck freight bill to a factoring company for a cash advance.


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Happy Owner Operators

Top 3 Reefer Factoring benefits for Owner Operators

Compare and choose the right Reefer factoring plans from our recommended factoring companies that are 100% safe for owner operators. Get the best for your trucking business. Generate truck factoring proposals and quotes in minutes.

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Factoring With Fuel Line of Credit

Reefer Factoring With Fuel Line of Credit

Get Fuel Line of Credit Factoring Program per truck per week with your Reefer factoring program. Fuel expense is no more a headache.

Reefer Factoring for bigger trucks, as well as for smaller trucks

A new owner-operator should save every penny that is possible. Get multiple Reefer factoring proposals from top factors with MaxTruckers offer for bigger trucks, Click here for details



Factoring With Dispatch

Reefer Factoring With Dispatch 

Get high-paying loads with MaxTruckers Dispatch, the best dispatch company in the USA along with factoring. To experience the Dispatch quality, you get discounted dispatch price. NO fixed percentage, NO commitment and SAVE thousands of dollars!

Highlights of Our Reefer Factoring Proposal

  • Multiple ReeferTruck Factoring Proposals
  • From Top-Rated Reefer Factoring Companies
  • 100% Verified Companies
  • 5 Star Rated Factors
  • Multiple Factoring Proposals
  • Starting from 1% to 3.5%
  • Scroll down to see the price
  • Recourse & Non-Recourse Reefer Factoring

Reefer Factoring Advantages with MaxTruckers

  • Impartial, fair, and FREE consultation
  • Proposals designed as per your business nature
  • Multiple factoring proposals
  • 100% Pre-verified, handpicked & trustworthy factoring companies ONLY
  • Dedicated MaxTruckers buddy for factoring consultation
  • Regular quality check of the factor

FREE Start-Up Kit

  • FREE TCS Fuel Card that Saves Per Gallon
  • 30 Days FREE DAT Load Board, the largest marketplace for freight loads and trucks, over 600,000 loads/day
  • FREE List of 300 Brokers, VERIFIED brokers who work with new owner-operators.
  • MaxTruckers Referral Program – Refer a friend for factoring, earn $150 per referral. Earn $1000+ extra income per month.
  • FREE Knowledge Resources – Get access to MaxTruckers knowledge resources that can help you to GROW your business FAST.

What is reefer truck factoring?

Reefer truck factoring in trucking:

Reefer truck factoring is an important part of truck factoring. Refer factoring helps reefer drivers/owners to get cash for plyed load instantly or in 24 to 48 hours. 

The driver needs to ply a load to generate a copy of the invoice. Then send it to the factoring company via email, or upload it to through the website, take a photo and use the mobile app to send it to the factor.

How does reefer truck factoring ease trucking business cash flow issues? 

Reefer truck liquidity and cash flow solution:

A reefer truck driver/owner/carrier has lots of expenses and usually, a reefer owner has to wait 30/45/60 or even 90 days to get paid. This payment cycle creates liquidity issues for reefer owners. 

So a reefer trucker can submit their invoices that they generate plying loads to a factor get paid instantly or in 24 to 48 hours. The factor pays 98.5% to 95% of the load amount based on their factoring commission/cut. This cash injection into the business helps business owners to pay fuel expenses, driver salaries, equipment maintenance, driver accommodation, food, supplies, etc.

Why is reefer truck factoring important for owner operators?

Reefer truck factoring is vital:

Reefer truck factoring is essential because it provides operational freedom, flexibility, and liquidity to reefer operators. Reefer drivers/truckers submit their load invoices at a commission/cut to get paid before normal broker/shipper due dates. 

The broker also helps the carrier to handle the carrier side paperwork and secretarial documents. 

How do you select a reefer truck factoring for your business?

Selecting a reefer truck factor for your business:

To select a reefer truck factoring company you need to keep in mind certain factors:

You need to know what is the minimum applicable factoring rate for your business, factoring rate depends on the volume and size of the invoice factored. 

You need to check if there is a lockin period for the factoring contract, if there is a long lock-in period like 6 months or one 1year, you might have to pay a termination fee to end the contract. 

You also need to understand the contract terms to know if there are any hidden fees like credit check fees or any other hidden fees.

You need to know if there is minimum factoring volume, or should you factor all your invoices with the factoring company.

You need to also check how robust, responsive, responsible, and problem solving is the factor’s customer support. If you have any issues with your factoring, there should be dedicated customer support to help you.

You need to know if there are any reserves that the factor cuts from the invoice amount, this reduces the factoring amount you get from your factor.

Last but not least, you need to know what are extra benefits you get with your factor-like fuel card, fuel line of credit, insurance, load board, etc.

What is the cost of reefer truck factoring? 

Cost of reefer truck factoring:

Factoring companies deduct their commission which is usually between 1.5% to 5%. The percentage of the commission depends on the volume and size of the invoice factored.

Some factoring companies have a reserve that would be deducted from the invoice and repaid back after the broker/shipper pays the invoice. 

What is recourse and nonrecourse reefer truck factoring?

Recourse and nonrecourse reefer truck factoring:

In recourse factoring, the trucker submits an invoice to get paid. But if there is any default from the broker/shipper factoring company takes the money from the trucker/owner. Usually, recourse factoring is cheaper, if you have creditworthy clients you can opt for recourse factoring. 

In non-recourse factoring, the trucking company gets paid by the factor. Here the difference is factor takes the risk of default of invoices away from the trucking company, Factor takes a hit if the broker/shipper fails to pay due to insolvency or bankruptcy.

Is the reefer truck factoring worth it?

        Reefer truck factoring is worth it!

Liquidity is worth its weight in gold in the trucking industry. Any element that infuses cash for working capital is good for reefer operations because this cash can cover expenses, maintenance, fuel cost, driver salaries, and other costs.

If you look at other options reefer operators have then you will understand that factoring is the best choice. A reefer trucker can go for a bank loan to use as working capital but it has interest cost and the process to get it is cumbersome. Another option is Quickpay by brokers, not all brokers offer it.

So the answer is reefer factoring is worth it!

What are the merits and demerits of a good reefer truck factoring contract?

        Merits and Demerits of semi truck factoring:

Merits of reefer truck factoring:

Easy way to inject liquidity into your business 

Trucking startup-friendly 

Low invoice/ bill commissions or factor cuts 

It’s a short and long term liquidity option

Demerits of reefer truck factoring:

Invoices must be paid in 90 days

Should have quality and highly creditworthy customers to start factoring

Control of accounts receivable is lost

Taking credit based on accounts receivables in hand is not poss

What are the additional benefits of joining MaxTruckers reefer truck factoring?

  Added benefits of joining MaxTruckers reefer truck factoring program:

Fuel card: 

MaxTruckers gives you a fuel card that provides a 35 cents to 45 cents rebate on a gallon of diesel. It also provides you equipment maintenance discounts, oil and tire change discounts, supplies, and driver food and lodging discounts. 

The fuel card is accepted in  1000 plus fuel stations and truck stops. Plus this card does not have any owning cost, hidden cost, or operating cost.

Fuel line of Credit:

MaxTruckers provide you with 50% of your truckload amount as a fuel line of credit. So, that you can run for your next high-paying load without any trouble.

Flexible load volume requirements:

MaxTrucker does not ask you to factor all your invoices with us, we have very flexible factoring volume limits. This helps to gain freedom and flexibility in your trucking business

Positive contract terms:

We have positive, helpful, and transparent contract terms. We don't suddenly surprise you with terms like termination fees, volume limits, and hidden fees. Our contract is conducive for trucking startups, new owners, small trucking businesses.

Fast Paperwork:

MaxTruckers asks for copies, snaps, or scans of paperwork, we do not need the original BOL/Invoice, etc. You can use factor’s web portal or mobile app to upload your load documents. You can also email them as an attachment if you want to.

Best Customer Support:

MaxTruckers has dedicated, quick, and problem-solving customer service. The customer service team will help you find, negotiate, and onboard with the best factor. After onboarding, we will help you set up and run your invoice factoring task. We will help you 24/7365. 

MaxTrucker University

MaxTruckes has created a knowledge portal for young and small trucking companies to gain experience and learn about trucking. We share knowledge about trucking-related aspects like:


      • How to start a trucking operation?

      • What is the government certification you need?

      • How to find brokers/shippers who work with new MC owner-operators? 

      • Which load boards should you use?

      • How to find a good dispatch company?

      • How do you find loads to run?

      • How do you find comprehensive insurance coverage?

      • What are your bookkeeping requirements?

    DAT Load board Subscription:

    With MaxTruckers you  can have a free 1-month subscription to DAT TrucksEdge or Power load board. There are about 600,000 new loads appearing daily on the load board. You can get the best loads according to your load filters and grow your business in hyperdrive using the DAT load board.

    300 member broker list for new MC owners/drivers:

    Finding a good broker to work with as a new trucker/ owner is the most challenging aspect of trucking. MaxTruckers provides you with a big loss of 300 brokers who is ready to work with new MC owner-operators without questions asked. 

    Trucking Startup Friendly:

    Trucking Startups and owners find it hard to find a good footing in the business ecosystem. It is cumbersome and hard to be successful in the trucking industry. 

    MaxTrukcers provide you with tools, operational acumen, and contacts to grow in all facets of trucking. We provide you 3D trucking business consultation, business development service, insurance, and factoring consultation, load dispatching, load board package, and knowledge resource connected with trucking. 

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